Sean Makura

Sean Makura

Sean Makura

Sean Makura

Sean is the creator of this training and co-founder of Swift86 studios. He has helped multiple businesses go from no online presence to fully branded and ready to compete with competitors.



Part 0: Introduction

Part 0: Introduction

Part 0: Introduction

Part 0: Introduction

Process to creating content

Process to creating content

Process to creating content

Process to creating content

1. Storybrand Hero: Imagine your ideal customer as the hero on a journey. Define their desires, the problems they face, and how your product acts as their guide to success.

2. Template Analysis: Break down your Webflow template section by section. Identify what content each section needs to effectively tell your story and convert visitors.

3. Content Creation with Storybrand: Use the storybrand framework you created to craft compelling content for each section. Focus on highlighting your customer's journey, the problems they solve with your product, and the happy ending they achieve.

Why Branding Matters for Your SaaS Webflow Template

Why Branding Matters for Your SaaS Webflow Template

Why Branding Matters for Your SaaS Webflow Template

Why Branding Matters for Your SaaS Webflow Template

Imagine launching your SaaS product with a generic website – stock photos, bland text, and a design that could belong to any company. Visitors wouldn't get a sense of what makes your product unique, who it's for, or why they should choose you.

Your Webflow template is the foundation of your SaaS website. It's where potential customers will learn about your product, its benefits, and ultimately, decide to sign up.

But a template alone isn't enough. Branding your Webflow template is like giving your website a distinct personality – one that resonates with your target audience and drives conversions.

Benefits of a Branded SaaS Webflow Template

Benefits of a Branded SaaS Webflow Template

Benefits of a Branded SaaS Webflow Template

Benefits of a Branded SaaS Webflow Template

Here's why taking the time to brand your Webflow template is crucial:

Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace: The SaaS landscape is competitive. Branding helps your website differentiate itself, showcasing what sets your product apart.

Build Trust and Credibility: A professional, branded website builds trust with potential customers, making them more likely to try your product.

Drive User Acquisition: A clear brand message on your website helps visitors understand the value proposition of your SaaS, leading to more signups.

Seamless User Experience: Branding ensures a consistent look and feel across all your website pages, creating a smooth user experience for visitors.

Increased Brand Recognition: A strong brand identity makes your SaaS website more memorable, keeping your product top-of-mind for potential customers.

Importance of Choosing the Right Webflow SaaS Template

Importance of Choosing the Right Webflow SaaS Template

Importance of Choosing the Right Webflow SaaS Template

Importance of Choosing the Right Webflow SaaS Template

Selecting the right Webflow template can save you a lot of time down the road and improve the perception of your brand. In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of choosing the ideal Webflow SaaS template to suit your needs, preferences, and objectives.

Some common questions around using templates

Some common questions around using templates

Some common questions around using templates

Some common questions around using templates

What are templates, and why should I use them?

Templates are pre-designed layouts for websites that you can customize to fit your needs. They're great because they save you time and effort in building your site from scratch, and they often come with built-in functionality and design elements.

Are templates customizable?

Yes, templates in Webflow are highly customizable. You can easily edit text, images, colors, and layout elements to match your brand and content.

Are templates mobile-responsive?

Yes, they can be. It depends if the designer made it responsive or not. However, most templates I've come accross in Webflow are built with responsive design principles, meaning they adapt to different screen sizes and devices automatically. However, it's always a good idea to preview your site on various devices to ensure optimal display.

Can I sell websites built with Webflow templates to clients?

Yes, you can use Webflow templates to create websites for clients and charge for your services. However, make sure to review Webflow's terms of service and any licensing agreements associated with the template to ensure compliance with usage rights.

Part 1: Technical Features - Building a Solid Foundation

Part 1: Technical Features - Building a Solid Foundation

Part 1: Technical Features - Building a Solid Foundation

Part 1: Technical Features - Building a Solid Foundation

Style Guide

Style Guide

Style Guide

Style Guide

Do not use a template without a style guide unless you are experienced or want to spend more time learning webflow.

A well-defined style guide ensures consistent use of fonts, colors, spacing, and other design elements throughout your website. This creates a professional and polished look.

A documented style guide makes it much easier for you or a designer to customize the template's design elements to match your brand identity.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Today's users access websites from desktops, tablets, and smartphones. A responsive template automatically adapts its layout to ensure an optimal user experience on any device. Make sure your template is fully responsive by going through the different screen sizes at the top of the Webflow interface.

Good Navigation

Good Navigation

Good Navigation

Good Navigation

The main navigation menu should provide easy access to critical pages like your homepage, product/service pages, pricing plans, and contact information.

Good Structure

Good Structure

Good Structure

Good Structure

A well-structured website makes it easy for visitors to find the information they're looking for. The template should have a logical flow of information, with clear headings, subheadings, and organized content sections.

SEO Optimization: A good website structure is essential for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Look for a template that uses clean code and semantic markup to improve your website's crawlability and ranking potential.

Part 2: Design and usability

Part 2: Design and usability

Part 2: Design and usability

Part 2: Design and usability

A stunning design isn't just about aesthetics for your SaaS marketing website; it's about creating a user experience that drives conversions. Here's what to look for in your Webflow template's design and usability:

Professional Design

Professional Design

Professional Design

Professional Design

A website that looks dated will undermine your brand's credibility. Choose a template with a modern, clean design.

Clear Call to action buttons (CTA's)

Clear Call to action buttons (CTA's)

Clear Call to action buttons (CTA's)

Clear Call to action buttons (CTA's)

These exist to tell visitors what you want them to do next, whether it's signing up for a free trial, requesting a demo, or contacting you. The CTA's on a template should be easy to spot, don't worry about the text, you will probably be changing that based on your goals.

There should be many CTA's throughout the site, if not, be prepared to add them.

Conversion-Focused Hero Layout

Conversion-Focused Hero Layout

Conversion-Focused Hero Layout

Conversion-Focused Hero Layout

This is the first thing visitors see, so it needs to make a strong impression. 

Make sure the template has a big headline followed by a subheading, and call to action button. There should be a visual on the page too for grabbing attention. If your template doesn’t have this setup, make sure to add whatever is missing.

Part 3: Important sections or pages

Part 3: Important sections or pages

Part 3: Important sections or pages

Part 3: Important sections or pages

When it comes to conversion optimization, certain sections or pages play a crucial role in engaging visitors, building credibility, and ultimately driving conversions on a SAAS website.

While not all templates may include these sections out of the box, it's essential to understand their significance and be prepared to add them. In our list of templates we let you know what sections are missing from the template so you don’t have to waste time opening it to find out.

Product Features or Benefits

Product Features or Benefits

Product Features or Benefits

Product Features or Benefits

Highlighting your SaaS product's features and benefits is crucial for informing visitors about what sets your solution apart from the competition. Look for templates that include dedicated sections or pages for showcasing the product.

Company Logos for Social Proof

Company Logos for Social Proof

Company Logos for Social Proof

Company Logos for Social Proof

Incorporating logos of prominent clients, partners, or industry affiliations can enhance your brand's credibility and social proof. Look for templates that show a list of logos for social proof.





Providing transparent pricing information helps potential customers understand the cost of your SaaS offering and make informed purchase decisions.





Including testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers can build trust and credibility, encouraging prospective users to try your SaaS product.

Customer Testimonials: Feature quotes or testimonials from happy customers praising your SaaS product's effectiveness, reliability, and customer support.

Star Ratings or Reviews: Display aggregate star ratings or review scores from review platforms or customer feedback surveys, providing social proof of your SaaS product's quality and satisfaction.

Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies

Showcasing real-world examples of how your SaaS product has helped customers achieve success can be compelling for potential buyers.

Success Stories: Present detailed case studies or success stories that outline the challenges faced by customers, the solutions provided by your SaaS product, and the measurable results achieved.





Highlighting integrations with popular third-party tools or platforms can demonstrate the flexibility and compatibility of your SaaS product. Look for templates that feature:

Integration Icons: Display icons or logos of supported integrations with CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, collaboration tools, and other relevant software.





Look for templates that include a FAQ section. Addressing common questions and concerns upfront can help alleviate customer hesitations and provide clarity about your SaaS product.

Part 4: Functionality

Part 4: Functionality

Part 4: Functionality

Part 4: Functionality

Depending on your goals for the website, you might need the following functionality.





If your SaaS business offers subscription plans, add-on services, or merchandise, integrating e-commerce functionality into your website can enhance user experience and revenue generation. When evaluating templates, consider the following e-commerce features:

Product Pages: Look for templates with well-designed product pages that allow you to showcase your offerings effectively. Features such as multiple product images, detailed descriptions, and related product suggestions can help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Shopping Cart and Checkout Process: Ensure the template includes a user-friendly shopping cart and checkout process.





Maintaining a blog is a powerful strategy for driving organic traffic, establishing thought leadership, and nurturing leads.

Choose templates with visually appealing blog layouts that highlight your content effectively. Options for grid or list view, featured post sections, and post excerpts can enhance readability and engagement.

Part 5: Making the Final Decision

Part 5: Making the Final Decision

Part 5: Making the Final Decision

Part 5: Making the Final Decision

Creating a Checklist for Comparison

Creating a Checklist for Comparison

Creating a Checklist for Comparison

Creating a Checklist for Comparison

To streamline your decision-making process and ensure you select the best SaaS marketing website template for your needs, consider creating a checklist for comparison.

Create a shortlist of your favorite templates and compare them using the criteria stated above.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Shortlisted Templates

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Shortlisted Templates

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Shortlisted Templates

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Shortlisted Templates

After completing your checklist and reviewing multiple templates, compile a list of shortlisted options and compare their pros and cons. Consider factors such as:

Strengths: Identify the standout features, design elements, and customization options offered by each template.

Weaknesses: Evaluate any limitations, drawbacks, or missing features that may impact your website's functionality or design.

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